For iOS tablets * Now we want to make sure that we can join the mhjcstudent network. Go back to the wifi settings page. {{wifi:joinwifi-ios-17.png}} * Touch the mhjcstudent wireless. The tablet should be able to connect to the mhjcstudent wireless LAN automatically. {{wifi:joinwifi-ios-18.png}} * We now configure the tablet to not join the zeroit network again. Go back to the Wifi settings page and click the (i) icon on the zeroit WLAN. {{wifi:joinwifi-ios-19.png}} * Touch the Forget Network line. You will be prompted whether to forget or cancel. Touch the Forget text. {{wifi:joinwifi-ios-20.png}} * The zeroit network is deleted from the list of known networks. You will be joined back to the mhjcstudent network. {{wifi:joinwifi-ios-21.png}} * This is the end of the network joining process. Proceed to [[joinwifi-mac-step3|Step 3]].